Project Setup

As part of this course, you will work on a pre-built repository for the fictional client Neoflix. The course is designed to be framework-agnostic, so although we have chosen a specific framework, the tasks that you will perform will be the same regardless of your choice of framework.

In the early stages you will learn some of the theory required and then use that knowledge to implement a set of features in the API.

Repository Information

We have built a repository that takes care of the boiler plate, so you can focus on implementing the functionality.

  • The project is designed to work with Java version 17

  • Dependencies can be installed with Maven

  • A web server has been built with Javalin

    • Authentication is handled with Auth0 and JWT Tokens

    • Passwords are encrypted and verified with bcrypt

    • Testing is performed using JUnit5

Get Started

In the next lesson, we will walk through the prerequisites, clone the project and start the server.

Setup the Repository →