My Favorites List

The My Favorites Feature

Add a Movie to your Favorites

Clicking the My Favorites link in the main navigation will take you to page which contains a list of Movies that you can want to revisit later.

When a logged in user hovers their mouse over a Movie on the website, a bookmark icon appears in the top left hand corner. Clicking this icon will either add or remove the Movie from the user’s Favorites list.

When adding a Movie to the list, a POST request it sent to the /api/favorites/{id} endpoint. When this happens, the following chain of events will occur:

  1. The server directs the request to the route handler in AccountRoutes, which verifies the user’s JWT token and stores it in the request, before handling the request

  2. The route handler uses an instance of the FavoriteService.

  3. The add() method is then called on the FavoriteService instance with the user ID taken from the JWT token, and the ID of the movie that has been extracted from the request URL.

  4. It is then the responsibility of the FavoriteService to persist this information and format a response.

Likewise, when it is clicked for a Movie that has already been favorited, a DELETE request is sent to the same URL, and the Movie is removed from the list.

When adding a Movie to a User’s Favorite list, a relationship is created between the User and Movie with the type HAS_FAVORITE.

Adding a Movie to My Favorites

For the first part of this challenge, modify the add() method to open a new database session, run the Cypher statement to create te relationship, close the session and return the movie details along with an additional favorite property.

1. Open the Session

Call the session() method on the Driver instance to open a new session:

// Open a new session
try (var session = driver.session()) {

  // Do something with the session...

  // Close the session automatically in try-with-resources block

2. Create the Relationship

In a write transaction, run a Cypher statement to create the HAS_FAVORITE relationship between the User and Movie nodes, with a createdAt property to represent when the relationship was created.

Click here to reveal the Cypher statement
MATCH (u:User {userId: $userId})
MATCH (m:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})

ON CREATE SET r.createdAt = datetime()

    favorite: true
} AS movie
// Create HAS_FAVORITE relationship within a Write Transaction
var favorite = session.executeWrite(tx -> {
    String statement = """
                MATCH (u:User {userId: $userId})
                MATCH (m:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})

                MERGE (u)-[r:HAS_FAVORITE]->(m)
                        ON CREATE SET r.createdAt = datetime()

                RETURN m {
                    favorite: true
                } AS movie
    var res =, Values.parameters("userId", userId, "movieId", movieId));
    // return res.single().get("movie").asMap();
    return res.single().get("movie").asMap();

3. Does the Movie exist?

If no records are returned, you can safely assume that the either the User or Movie do not exist. In this case, throw a ValidationException with an appropriate error message.

// Throw an error if the user or movie could not be found
} catch (NoSuchRecordException e) {
    throw new ValidationException(String.format("Couldn't create a favorite relationship for User %s and Movie %s", userId, movieId), Map.of("movie",movieId, "user",userId));

4. Return results

Then, finally return the movie value from the first record returned from the database.

// Return movie details and `favorite` property
return favorite;

Working Solution

Click here to reveal the completed add() method
public Map<String,Object> add(String userId, String movieId) {
    // Open a new Session
    try (var session = this.driver.session()) {
        // Create HAS_FAVORITE relationship within a Write Transaction
        var favorite = session.executeWrite(tx -> {
            String statement = """
                        MATCH (u:User {userId: $userId})
                        MATCH (m:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})

                        MERGE (u)-[r:HAS_FAVORITE]->(m)
                                ON CREATE SET r.createdAt = datetime()

                        RETURN m {
                            favorite: true
                        } AS movie
            var res =, Values.parameters("userId", userId, "movieId", movieId));
            // return res.single().get("movie").asMap();
            return res.single().get("movie").asMap();

        // Return movie details and `favorite` property
        return favorite;
    // Throw an error if the user or movie could not be found
    } catch (NoSuchRecordException e) {
        throw new ValidationException(String.format("Couldn't create a favorite relationship for User %s and Movie %s", userId, movieId), Map.of("movie",movieId, "user",userId));

Removing a Movie from My Favorites

The second part of this challenge is to write the code to remove a movie from the My Favorites list.

The code for deleting the HAS_FAVORITE relationship will be similar, only the Cypher statement will change.

Instead of two separate MATCH clauses, we can instead attempt to find the pattern within a single clause. If the relationship (with an variable of r) exists, we will delete it and then return the movie information with favorite set to false.

MATCH (u:User {userId: $userId})-[r:HAS_FAVORITE]->(m:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})

    favorite: false
} AS movie

Use the code from the add() method above to implement the remove() function. If you get stuck, you can reveal the completed method below.

Working Solution

Click here to reveal the completed remove() method
public Map<String,Object> remove(String userId, String movieId) {
    // Open a new Session
    try (var session = this.driver.session()) {
        // Removes HAS_FAVORITE relationship within a Write Transaction
        var favorite = session.executeWrite(tx -> {
            String statement = """
                      MATCH (u:User {userId: $userId})-[r:HAS_FAVORITE]->(m:Movie {tmdbId: $movieId})
                      DELETE r

                      RETURN m {
                        favorite: false
                      } AS movie
            var res =, Values.parameters("userId", userId, "movieId", movieId));
            return res.single().get("movie").asMap();

        // Return movie details and `favorite` property
        return favorite;
    // Throw an error if the user or movie could not be found
    } catch (NoSuchRecordException e) {
        throw new ValidationException("Could not remove favorite movie for user", Map.of("movie",movieId, "user",userId));

Listing My Favorites

Finally, the all() method in the FavoriteService currently returns a hardcoded list of Movies from the fixture popular.json.

public List<Map<String, Object>> all(String userId, Params params) {
    // Open a new session
    try (var session = this.driver.session()) {
        // Retrieve a list of movies favorited by the user
        var favorites = session.executeRead(tx -> {
            String query = String.format("""
                        MATCH (u:User {userId: $userId})-[r:HAS_FAVORITE]->(m:Movie)
                        RETURN m {
                            favorite: true
                        } AS movie
                        ORDER BY m.`%s` %s
                        SKIP $skip
                        LIMIT $limit
                    """, params.sort(Params.Sort.title), params.order());
            var res =, Values.parameters("userId", userId, "skip", params.skip(), "limit", params.limit()));
            return res.list(row -> row.get("movie").asMap());
        return favorites;

Update this method to return a paginated list of movies that the user has added to their My Favorites list.

Click here to reveal the Cypher statement
MATCH (:User {userId: $userId})-[:HAS_FAVORITE]->(m)

    favorite: true
} AS movie

In the query the method we should also add dynamic sorting and pagination, with the string substitution for the sorting like we did in other places.

You have already written similar code a few times, so try to implement this one on your own. If you get stuck, you can view the full solution below.

Click here to reveal the completed all() method
public List<Map<String, Object>> all(String userId, Params params) {
    // Open a new session
    try (var session = this.driver.session()) {
        // Retrieve a list of movies favorited by the user
        var favorites = session.executeRead(tx -> {
            String query = String.format("""
                        MATCH (u:User {userId: $userId})-[r:HAS_FAVORITE]->(m:Movie)
                        RETURN m {
                            favorite: true
                        } AS movie
                        ORDER BY m.`%s` %s
                        SKIP $skip
                        LIMIT $limit
                    """, params.sort(Params.Sort.title), params.order());
            var res =, Values.parameters("userId", userId, "skip", params.skip(), "limit", params.limit()));
            return res.list(row -> row.get("movie").asMap());
        return favorites;


To test that this functionality has been correctly implemented, run the following code in a new terminal session:

Running the test
mvn test -Dtest=neoflix._07_FavoritesListTest

The test file is located at src/test/java/neoflix/

Are you stuck? Click here for help

If you get stuck, you can see a working solution by checking out the 07-favorites-list branch by running:

Check out the 07-favorites-list branch
git checkout 07-favorites-list

You may have to commit or stash your changes before checking out this branch. You can also click here to expand the Support pane.

Verifying the Test

If the test has run successfully, a user with the email address will have added the movie Toy Story to their list of favorites.


You can run the following query to check for the user within the database. If the shouldVerify value returns true, the verification should be successful.

MATCH (u:User {email: ""})-[:HAS_FAVORITE]->(:Movie {title: 'Toy Story'})
RETURN true AS shouldVerify


The following statement will mimic the behaviour of the test, merging a new :User node with the email address and ensuring that a node exists for the movie Toy Story. The test then merges a :HAS_FAVORITE relationship between the user and movie nodes.

MERGE (u:User {userId: '9f965bf6-7e32-4afb-893f-756f502b2c2a'})
SET = ''

MERGE (m:Movie {tmdbId: '862'})
SET m.title = 'Toy Story'



Once you have run this statement, click Try again…​* to complete the challenge.

Module Summary

In this Challenge, you have written the code to manage a HAS_FAVORITE relationship between a User and a Movie within a write transaction.

In the next Challenge, you will write code to execute multiple queries in the same transaction.