Path Finding


Path finding algorithms find the shortest path between two or more nodes or evaluate the availability and quality of paths.

Common use cases of path finding are:

  • Supply chain analytics: Identifying the fastest path between an origin and a destination or between a raw material and a finished product

  • Customer Journey: Analyzing the events that make up a customer’s experience. In healthcare for example, this can be the experience of an in-patient from admission to discharge.

Dijkstra Source-Target Shortest Path

A common, industry standard, path finding algorithm is Dijkstra. It computes the shortest path between a source and a target node. Like many other path finding algorithms in GDS, Dijkstra supports weighted relationships to account for distance or another cost property when comparing paths.

Below is an example of using Dijkstra source-target shortest path to find the shortest path between the actors "Kevin Bacon" and "Denzel Washington".

First, create the graph projection.

CALL gds.graph.project('proj',

Then we can run Dijkstra’s shortest path.

MATCH (kevin:Actor{name : 'Kevin Bacon'})
MATCH (denzel:Actor{name : 'Denzel Washington'})


YIELD sourceNode, targetNode, path
RETURN sourceNode, targetNode, nodes(path) as path;

This should give you a path consisting of four relationships between Kevin Bacon and Denzel Washington.

A graph showing the path between nodes labelled Kevin Bacon and Denzel Washington

Other Path Finding Algorithms

Other GDS production tier Path Finding algorithms can be split into a few different subcategories that are listed below:

Shortest path between two nodes:

  • A* Shortest Path: An extension of Dijkstra that uses a heuristic function to speed up computation.

  • Yen’s Algorithm Shortest Path: An extension of Dijkstra that allows you to find multiple, the top k, shortest paths.

Shortest path between a source node and multiple other target nodes:

  • Dijkstra Single-Source Shortest Path: Dijkstra implementation for shortest path between one source and multiple targets.

  • Delta-Stepping Single-Source Shortest Path: Parallelized shortest path computation. Computes faster than Dijkstra single-source shortest Path but uses more memory.

General path search between a source node and multiple other target nodes:

  • Breadth First Search: Searches paths in order of increasing distance from the source node on each iteration.

  • Depth First Search: Searches as far as possible along a single multi-hop path on each iteration.

A full list of path finding algorithms across all product tiers can be found in the Pathfinding documentation.

Check your understanding

1. Algorithm Purpose

What can path finding algorithms accomplish in GDS (select all that apply)?

  • ✓ Find the shortest path between two nodes

  • ❏ Predict new links and paths in the graph

  • ❏ Draw paths between similarity nodes in the graph

  • ✓ Find the shortest path between a single source node and a set of multiple target nodes

  • ✓ Leverage breadth first or depth first search to find paths between a single source node and a set of multiple target nodes


Path finding algorithms in GDS can accomplish finding the shortest path between two nodes, finding the shortest path between a single source node and multiple target nodes, and utilizing breadth-first or depth-first search to find paths from a single source node.


Path finding algorithms in GDS can accomplish the following tasks:

Find the shortest path between two nodes.
Find the shortest path between a single source node and a set of multiple target nodes.
Leverage breadth-first or depth-first search to find paths between a single source node.

2. Name the Algorithm

Which Path finding algorithm can be used to identify the top 10 shortest path between two nodes?

  • ❏ A*

  • ✓ Yen’s Algorithm

  • ❏ Delta-Stepping

  • ❏ Dijkstra Source-Target


Yen’s algorithm is a graph algorithm that efficiently finds multiple alternative shortest paths between a pair of nodes by iteratively removing edges from the current shortest path and recalculating the next shortest path.


The answer is Yen’s Algorithm


In this lesson you learned about path finding in GDS. We went over common use cases and how to run an example to identify shortest paths in GDS.

In the next lesson, you will use this knowledge to execute a Shortest Path algorithm.