Getting Started

Welcome to "Importing CSV Data using Cypher".

In this course, you will create a graph database of movies from a set of CSV files.

A diagram of the data model for the movie database

You will build an import process using Cypher, to create the nodes, relationships, and properties.

A diagram showing the flow of data from a csv file through Cypher into a neo4j database

You don’t need anything other than a browser to access and complete this course.

A blank Neo4j Sandbox instance has been created for you to use during this course.

You can open a Neo4j Browser window throughout this course by clicking the Toggle Sandbox button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

What is Neo4j Sandbox?

Neo4j Sandbox is a free service that allows you to create pre-populated Neo4j instances.

Neo4j Sandbox is the perfect environment for experimenting with Neo4j.

You can log into Neo4j Sandbox and create a database with many pre-populated datasets by visiting

Extending Your Sandbox Instance

By default, a Neo4j sandbox instance exists for 3 days. You can extend it for another 7 days by going to the sandbox site and extending it in the details (right-most down arrow) for the blank sandbox.

How to extend your Neo4j Sandbox instance


You are ready to get started with the course.