Vector Indexes

In the last lesson, you learned about vectors and their role in Semantic Search.

In this lesson, you will learn how to create vector embeddings of text content in an existing Neo4j database.

Vectorizing Movie Plots

GraphAcademy created a Movie Recommendation Sandbox when you enrolled in this course. The sandbox database contains over 9000 movies, 15000 actors, and over 100000 user ratings.

Each movie has a .plot property.

Movie Plot Example
MATCH (m:Movie {title: "Toy Story"})
RETURN m.title AS title, m.plot AS plot
"A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure supplants him as top toy in a boy's room."

You can use the vector index to find the most similar movies by converting the plots into vector embeddings and comparing them.

You will use a pre-created CSV file of 1000 movie plot vector embeddings in this lesson.

The CSV file contains:

  • movieId - The ID of the movie

  • embedding - The vector embedding of the movie plot generated by OpenAI

movieId, embedding
1, [-0.0271058, -0.0242211, 0.0060390322, -0.02437703, ...]
2, [-0.001596838, -0.022397375, 0.0046575777, 0.0019427929, ...]

Generating the Embeddings

OpenAI’s text-embedding-ada-002 model was used to create the embeddings. It is a cost-effective model that can generate embeddings for text.

A simple Python script calls the embedding endpoint served by OpenAI. The code is available in the repository.

Each LLM will provide an embedding in its shape.

Loading Embeddings

The embeddings will be stored as a .plotEmbedding property on the (:Movie) node.

You will use the LOAD CSV command to load the embeddings into the Neo4j Sandbox instance.

The following Cypher loads the embeddings CSV file, performs a MATCH query to find the (:Movie) node with the corresponding movieId property, and then sets the .plotEmbedding property on that node.

Review this Cypher statement before running it.

Loading the Embeddings
AS row
MATCH (m:Movie {movieId: row.movieId})
CALL db.create.setNodeVectorProperty(m, 'plotEmbedding', apoc.convert.fromJsonList(row.embedding))
RETURN count(*)

The statement:

  • Loads the CSV file

  • Matches the (:Movie) node with the corresponding movieId property

  • Calls db.create.setNodeVectorProperty() procedure to set the plotEmbedding property

  • The procedure also validates that the property is a valid vector

Run the statement to create the Movie embeddings.

Once complete, you can query the database to see the .plotEmbedding property on the (:Movie) nodes.

MATCH (m:Movie {title: "Toy Story"})
RETURN m.title AS title, m.plot AS plot, m.plotEmbedding

LOAD CSV and Strings

When data is loaded using LOAD CSV, it is treated as a string unless specifically cast using a specific function, for example, toInteger() or toFloat().

In this case, the embedding is a string representing a JSON list, the statement coerces it into a Cypher List using the apoc.convert.fromJsonList() procedure.

You can learn how to use the LOAD CSV command in the Importing CSV Data into Neo4j course.

Creating the Vector Index

You will need to create a vector index to search across these embeddings.

You will use the CREATE VECTOR INDEX Cypher statement to create the index:

FOR (n:LabelName)
ON (n.propertyName)
OPTIONS "{" option: value[, ...] "}"

CREATE VECTOR INDEX expects the following parameters:

  • index_name - The name of the index

  • LabelName - The node label on which to index

  • propertyName - The property on which to index

  • OPTIONS - The options for the index, where you can specify:

    • vector.dimensions - The dimension of the embedding e.g. OpenAI embeddings consist of 1536 dimensions.

    • vector.similarity_function - The similarity function to use when comparing values in this index - this can be euclidean or cosine.

Review and run the following Cypher to create the vector index:

Create the vector index
FOR (m:Movie)
ON m.plotEmbedding
OPTIONS {indexConfig: {
 `vector.dimensions`: 1536,
 `vector.similarity_function`: 'cosine'

Note that the index is called moviePlots, it is against the Movie label, and it is on the .plotEmbedding property. The vector.dimensions is 1536 (as used by OpenAI) and the vector.similarity_function is cosine. The IF NOT EXISTS clause ensures that the statement only creates the index if it does not already exist.

Run the statement to create the index.

Choosing a Similarity Function

Generally, cosine will perform best for text embeddings, but you may want to experiment with other functions.

You can read more about similarity functions in the documentation.

Typically, you will choose a similarity function closest to the loss function used when training the embedding model. You should refer to the model’s documentation for more information.

Check the index creation status

The index will be updated asynchronously. You can check the status of the index population using the SHOW INDEXES statement:

Check that you created the index successfully using the SHOW INDEXES command.

Show Indexes
SHOW INDEXES  YIELD id, name, type, state, populationPercent WHERE type = "VECTOR"

You should see a result similar to the following:

Learn how to use Neo4j with Large Language ModelsShow Indexes Result
id name type state populationPercent






Once the state is listed as online, the index will be ready to query.

The populationPercentage field indicates the proportion of node and property pairing.

When the populationPercentage is 100.0, all the movie embeddings have been indexed.

Querying Vector Indexes

You can query the index using the db.index.vector.queryNodes() procedure.

The procedure returns the requested number of approximate nearest neighbor nodes and their similarity score, ordered by the score.

db.index.vector.queryNodes Syntax
CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes(
    indexName :: STRING,
    numberOfNearestNeighbours :: INTEGER,
    query :: LIST<FLOAT>
) YIELD node, score

The procedure accepts three parameters:

  1. indexName - The name of the vector index

  2. numberOfNearestNeighbours - The number of results to return

  3. query - A list of floats that represent an embedding

The procedure yields two arguments:

  1. A node which matches the query

  2. A similarity score ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

You can use this procedure to find the closest embedding value to a given embedding.

For example, find movies with a similar plot to another.

Review this Cypher before running it.

Similar Plots
MATCH (m:Movie {title: 'Toy Story'})

CALL db.index.vector.queryNodes('moviePlots', 6, m.plotEmbedding)
YIELD node, score

RETURN node.title AS title, node.plot AS plot, score

The query finds the Toy Story Movie node and uses the .plotEmbedding property to find the most similar plots. The db.index.vector.queryNodes() procedure uses the moviePlots vector index to find similar embeddings.

Run the query. The procedure returns the requested number of approximate nearest neighbor nodes and their similarity score, ordered by the score.

Learn how to use Neo4j with Large Language ModelsSimilar Plots Results




"Toy Story"

"A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure supplants him as top toy in a boy’s room."


"Little Rascals, The"

"Alfalfa is wooing Darla and his He-Man-Woman-Hating friends attempt to sabotage the relationship."


"NeverEnding Story III, The"

"A young boy must restore order when a group of bullies steal the magical book that acts as a portal between Earth and the imaginary world of Fantasia."


"Drop Dead Fred"

"A young woman finds her already unstable life rocked by the presence of a rambunctious imaginary friend from childhood."


"E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial"

"A troubled child summons the courage to help a friendly alien escape Earth and return to his home-world."


"Gumby: The Movie"

"In this offshoot of the 1950s claymation cartoon series, the crazy Blockheads threaten to ruin Gumby’s benefit concert by replacing the entire city of Clokeytown with robots."


The similarity score is between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0 being the most similar. Note how the most similar plot is that of the Toy Story movie itself!


As you can see, this approach is relatively straightforward and can quickly yield results. The downside to this approach is that it relies heavily on the embeddings and similarity function to produce valid results.

This approach is also a black box - with 1536 dimensions, and it would be impossible to determine how the vectors are structured and how they influenced the similarity score.

The movies returned look similar, but without reading and comparing them, you would have no way of verifying that the results are correct.

Check your understanding

1. Creating an Index

Use the dropdown below to complete the syntax to create a vector index.

/*select:CREATE VECTOR INDEX person*/
FOR (p:Person)
OPTIONS {indexConfig: {
 `vector.dimensions`: 1536,
 `vector.similarity_function`: 'cosine'

  • ❏ VECTOR INDEX person

  • ❏ VECTOR person INDEX


You are creating a vector index with a name.


The answer is `CREATE VECTOR INDEX person `

2. Querying a Vector Index

What parameters does the db.index.vector.queryNodes() procedure expect?

  • ✓ The name of the index to query

  • ✓ The number of nodes to return

  • ✓ A list of floats that represent an embedding

  • ❏ An OpenAI API Key


The procedure expects three parameters. You can review the documentation for more information.


The db.index.vector.queryNodes() procedure expects the following parameters:

  • The name of the index to query

  • The number of nodes to return

  • A list of floats that represent an embedding

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, you learned how to create, populate, and use a Vector index in Neo4j.

In the next lesson, you will learn how to use feedback to improve the suggestions provided by Semantic Search.