Creating Initial Relationships

Here is the instance model you will be creating:

Instance model

Each ACTED_IN relationship here has a different value for the role property.

Run this Cypher code to add the ACTED_IN and DIRECTED relationships to the graph:

Click the Run in Sandbox button to the top right of the code sample to open the Sandbox to the right create the nodes and relationships.
MATCH (apollo:Movie {title: 'Apollo 13'})
MATCH (tom:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks'})
MATCH (meg:Person {name: 'Meg Ryan'})
MATCH (danny:Person {name: 'Danny DeVito'})
MATCH (sleep:Movie {title: 'Sleepless in Seattle'})
MATCH (hoffa:Movie {title: 'Hoffa'})
MATCH (jack:Person {name: 'Jack Nicholson'})

// create the relationships between nodes
MERGE (tom)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Jim Lovell'}]->(apollo)
MERGE (tom)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Sam Baldwin'}]->(sleep)
MERGE (meg)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Annie Reed'}]->(sleep)
MERGE (danny)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Bobby Ciaro'}]->(hoffa)
MERGE (danny)-[:DIRECTED]->(hoffa)
MERGE (jack)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Jimmy Hoffa'}]->(hoffa)

You can verify that the relationships have been created with this code:


There should be a total of 6 relationships in the graph.

Validate Results

Once you have run the code to create the relationships, click the Check Database button and we will check the database for you.


The database is expecting six relationships between :Person and :Movie nodes as defined in the Cypher statement above. Have you deleted any nodes from the database?

Try running the query again to re-create the data in the database.

If you are still having trouble, you can recreate the nodes by running the following Cypher statement:

Recreate People and Movies
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Apollo 13', tmdbId: 568, released: '1995-06-30', imdbRating: 7.6, genres: ['Drama', 'Adventure', 'IMAX']})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks', tmdbId: 31, born: '1956-07-09'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Meg Ryan', tmdbId: 5344, born: '1961-11-19'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Danny DeVito', tmdbId: 518, born: '1944-11-17'})
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Sleepless in Seattle', tmdbId: 858, released: '1993-06-25', imdbRating: 6.8, genres: ['Comedy', 'Drama', 'Romance']})
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Hoffa', tmdbId: 10410, released: '1992-12-25', imdbRating: 6.6, genres: ['Crime', 'Drama']})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Jack Nicholson', tmdbId: 514, born: '1937-04-22'})
MERGE (:User {name: 'Sandy Jones', userId: 534})
MERGE (:User {name: 'Clinton Spencer', userId: 105})


To pass the challenge, run the following queries in sequence by clicking the Run in Sandbox.

1. Recreate People and Movies
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Apollo 13', tmdbId: 568, released: '1995-06-30', imdbRating: 7.6, genres: ['Drama', 'Adventure', 'IMAX']})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks', tmdbId: 31, born: '1956-07-09'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Meg Ryan', tmdbId: 5344, born: '1961-11-19'})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Danny DeVito', tmdbId: 518, born: '1944-11-17'})
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Sleepless in Seattle', tmdbId: 858, released: '1993-06-25', imdbRating: 6.8, genres: ['Comedy', 'Drama', 'Romance']})
MERGE (:Movie {title: 'Hoffa', tmdbId: 10410, released: '1992-12-25', imdbRating: 6.6, genres: ['Crime', 'Drama']})
MERGE (:Person {name: 'Jack Nicholson', tmdbId: 514, born: '1937-04-22'})
MERGE (:User {name: 'Sandy Jones', userId: 534})
MERGE (:User {name: 'Clinton Spencer', userId: 105})
2. Create the Relationships
MATCH (apollo:Movie {title: 'Apollo 13'})
MATCH (tom:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks'})
MATCH (meg:Person {name: 'Meg Ryan'})
MATCH (danny:Person {name: 'Danny DeVito'})
MATCH (sleep:Movie {title: 'Sleepless in Seattle'})
MATCH (hoffa:Movie {title: 'Hoffa'})
MATCH (jack:Person {name: 'Jack Nicholson'})

// create the relationships between nodes
MERGE (tom)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Jim Lovell'}]->(apollo)
MERGE (tom)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Sam Baldwin'}]->(sleep)
MERGE (meg)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Annie Reed'}]->(sleep)
MERGE (danny)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Bobby Ciaro'}]->(hoffa)
MERGE (danny)-[:DIRECTED]->(hoffa)
MERGE (jack)-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Jimmy Hoffa'}]->(hoffa)


In this challenge, you created some of the initial relationships to support our instance model.

In the next challenge, you will model a new relationship in the graph data model.